ICT Spring 2022: LuxConnect’s first participation

Covid Booster? The Data Center market is booming and LuxConnect is more than prepared!

 There are several possible explanations for the increasing demand of Data Center capacity. The consequences of the pandemic are one of course: lockdowns, home office, home schooling, video conferences and online events have accelerated a process without a doubt. But also, geopolitical realities such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine have had an impact on the Data Center market. Data security and sovereignty have become an issue and more and more also a priority to international institutions, to organisations and to the private sector.

According to Grand View Research, the European Data Center market is expected an annual growth rate over 13% from 2021 to 2028. There are huge investments to be made and challenges as power pricing will have to be faced. Sustainability, energy efficiency and green technologies are going to be the key words that Data Center engineers will have to focus on

Luxembourg is well prepared to face such an increasing demand and we are lucky to be able to offer a technology here that state of the art. LuxConnect is one of the major Data Center providers in Luxembourg and the facilities are running on 100% green energy from Norway. The most recently built Data Centers have a PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) of below 1,3 and free cooling can be used when outside temperatures drop below 12 °C. When temperatures rise above those 12 °C, it will be reverted to hybrid cooling towers and additional supply of cooling water is not required.

LuxConnect is constantly on the lookout to increase its efficiency and participating in the research and development of innovative solutions to reduce its carbon footprint and of course to face the challenges on the energy market. An example for an innovative solution is the LuxConnect Data Center in Bissen that is exclusively supplied by green energy using the heat produced by a co-generation plant that burns waste wood – a technology that leads to a reduction of CO2 emissions of about 27.000 tons per year.

LuxConnect has been investing in its infrastructure since the inception of the company in 2006 and is proud to be able to offer tailor made solutions for customers of all size and this on very short notice.

Together with several trusted partners, LuxConnect can offer end-to-end ICT solutions and as a dark provider the state-owned company also has its own optical fiber network of more than 1.700 km.

LuxConnect is prepared for the future and ready to host your data with the highest level of security.

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