Corporate Social Responsability
Since the creation of the company in 2006, LuxConnect acts in compliance with the general principles of Corporate Social Responsibility, be it at economic, social or environmental level.
LuxConnect acts as a facilitator and actively supports the development of the ICT sector in Luxembourg and thus also that of the national economy, and ultimately of the overall wellbeing of the population.
LuxConnect adopts a fair attitude towards its clients and suppliers. This approach is more specifically reflected in the application of the public procurements regulation and the application of the principles of transparency and non-discrimination in its business relations. The procurement policy of LuxConnect seeks to support local suppliers and fair trade.
We have implemented a comprehensive strategy that focuses on respecting human rights in all aspects of our operations. We are committed to promoting fair labour practices, eliminating discrimination and harassment, and providing safe working conditions for our employees.
Regarding human resources, the CSR policy of LuxConnect aims at increasing the motivation and satisfaction of its employees through a fair wage policy, respect of employee rights, access to training and a healthy work environment. The company’s social commitment is reflected by a low turnover and a low absenteeism rate because of illness.
As a major energy consumer, LuxConnect is fully aware that its action has a considerable environmental impact. Efficient and sustainable use of natural resources combined with a reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases are therefore the company’s priority goals.
In this sense LuxConnect exclusively uses electricity from renewable resources with the objective to minimize its carbon footprint. Furthermore, cooling a data centre with a heat absorption system from wood waste incineration reduces CO2 emissions to zero. LuxConnect is actively tracking its CO2 footprint and committed to become a climate neutral player in 2023.
As a socially responsible actor, LuxConnect supports the actions of local communities and participates in training, soft mobility and renaturation initiatives.
CSR Team
Christine De Ridder –
Valérie Aughuet –
Magali Panozzo –
Phone: +352 27 61 68 1
Some EXAMPLES of how LuxConnect supports local initiative:
ESR – Entreprise Responsable
In line with its CSR policy, LuxConnect aims to be a healthy and pleasant work environment. In this context, a whole range of actions are taken. To promote continuous professional development, training programmes are organised. Thus, to facilitate the integration of cross-border workers, free Luxembourgish classes are given at lunchtime twice a week.
In addition, extras such as a pool car, a weekly fruit crate, a babyfoot, convivial team-building activities or Saint-Nicolas Fairtrade bags etc. contribute to a good atmosphere and the wellbeing of employees.
This desire to participate in a healthy and sustainable environment is also reflected in actions taken outside the company. In particular, there has been a decision to invest in crowd farming. In Spain, for example, LuxConnect invested in an orange tree whose annual harvest of 80 kg of organic oranges is distributed to the staff. Don’t be surprised if you do not receive a paper greeting card at the end of the year, because the company has chosen to donate to an association. If you visit the Bettembourg campus some day, you will discover insect hotels decorated by children of the commune and areas of late mowing to contribute to bees’ nesting.
At LuxConnect, the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility is authentically understood.
Here, we believe in the power of local and human actions.

Labels received
ESR Label 2021
ESR Label 2017

Hello future
Two of our young and highly motivated colleagues have made a presentation to Hello Future of what they are doing. This is LuxConnect’s contribution to motivating young people to study information technology to guarantee their future.
LGL@CeBIT 2017
March 23th, 2017 – 194 students and 16 teachers of 2ème Lycée de Garçons Luxembourg went to Hanover as part of the initiative «LGL@CeBIT 2017». The aim of this initiative was to raise the awareness of the students for entrepreneurship and to better prepare them for the digital careers of tomorrow.
Insect hotel
24 March 24, 2016 – LuxConnect has inaugurated an insect hotel on its campus. The hotel has been decorated by local school children.
LuxConnect has invested in crowdfarming by planting an orange tree named “LuxConnect” in Valencia, Spain. Thanks to CrowdFarming® you know exactly where your food comes from and who it has been produced by. Read more at
Photo project
LuxConnect is partner with a high school to promote students in photography. Almost every year, LuxConnect organises an which is then shown in the Data Centers.
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